Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Meaning of Life.

Okay, so I don't have the answer to "What is The Meaning of Life?".... I will leave this question in the capable hands of Monty Python. But I do have some thoughts on the meaning of my life and how they relate to my professional life! Recently I was asked to reflect on attributes that may contribute to having a successful career. I’ve been marinating on this question for a few weeks trying to get to the heart of it all. My conclusion is that the following two traits mixed with a dose of luck and good timing will lead many down a successful path.

Diligence and Humility. This is the combination for success.

Diligence will allow you to really hone your craft. By putting your head down and doing the work – all the work – you will begin to fully understand your job and the bigger picture of your impact on the organization. Mix in humility; this by no means should be mistaken with meekness or timidity. It is entirely possible to simultaneously be a confident and humble person. Humility will allow you to keep your mind open to new ideas, it will serve as a constant reminder that you’re continually learning and improving. Humility will take away the chance of getting caught reflecting solely on the “glory days” instead of making new great moments now and in the future. Your diligence will allow you to seize new powerful ideas and implement them.
I feel these attributes have helped me along the way, what traits to you feel contributed do your success?