Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Humans are Social Animals (thankfully)

We crave feeling supported, valued and connected.

Research points to the benefits of social connection:

  • Tool 1 circleIncreased happiness. In one compelling study, a key difference between very happy people & less-happy people was good relationships.
  • Better health. Loneliness & feeling disconnected was associated with a higher risk of high blood pressure in a recent study.

I can now use myself as a case study for this research......

Sometimes connections come in the form of an intimate conversation, a spill-it-all-out talk with a best friend. But often times it's just a laugh-out-loud e-mail or video (this one gets me every time) or a compelling blog post, tweet or Facebook post. The "simple pleasures" if you will. Given the amount of time I spend on social sites, these quick "drive by" connections are common for me.

Simple connections should not be minimized; in fact recently they have become more pivotal to my wellness and happiness. These relationships, these connections, have kept me afloat and moving forward over the past few months in a much more instrumental and critical way than I ever imagined possible. On December 6th, my spouse was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. This new found illness crushed me, paralyzed me. We began and continue to be in the fight of our lives.

I've always been someone that truly lived by the adage "work hard, play hard". This new chapter of my life seemed to take this slogan away from me, leaving a void. I wondered what could be my adage now? How do I even focus on creating one? Why do I even care? I've had dark days since December, sometimes viewing my work as trivial. Thinking that I go to work to play on Facebook while my spouse is home fighting to stay alive. I've had "why me" days; I'm a good person, I do good - why isn't karma on my side?

I've begun breaking through this haze, this terrible disease is not going to take two people out so obviously. I was going to fight to appreciate, fight to accept and fight to find my new adage.....I began drawing more strength in the varied connections that I have with wonderful, insightful people from all over the world. My "real life" friends, Industry friends, social site buddies - they all add value and normalcy to my life. Normalcy!

They get my jokes....heck, they will even join in. They offer congratulations or praise on my work efforts - my work does matter. I do good things.

Connecting with people, on or off line has the power to lift you out of a dark and stuck place. These relationships can keep you moving forward. All of these connections have helped me reduce stress and boost my well-being as well as give me hope. Consider this blog post a public thank you to all my connections and a reminder that even when you don't realize you are positively impacting others - you are.


  1. Sarah I had no idea you were going through this. The daily battle of emotions I am sure can be very challenging. I have always thought of you as an amazingly strong person. I can't even imagine the strength it took to pen your thoughts in this post. My thoughts will certainly be with you and your family as you charge through this battle together. You have such a positive spirit and I hope you fight hard to keep that every moment. I look forward to our little communications each day. I will be there for you in any way I can.

  2. Sarah, what an inspirational and touching story. Thank you for sharing this story with us during an emotional time in your life. I can't imagine or know how I would confront this situation in my own life. I know when we are faced with our fears, challenges and the unknown something just kicks in. I hope each day you continue to find that strength to keep pushing forward and your "kick" ignites daily for you and your family. Sending you the biggest hug and well wishes. You are an amazinly caring woman who deserves all the support from friends who are close or from those far away in blog world.

  3. Sarah, a very touching blog post, and I thank you for sharing. Writing this in itself will most likely help to give you clarity and strength. I agree wholeheartedly about the power that relationships have. Since the inception of the human race, we had had to rely on one another. It is an intrinsic need, woven into our DNA. The fact that there are so many different ways to connect now is wonderful! From early man helping others hunt and gather food, to modern day man spreading cheer on his iPhone, connections are vital to our survival. Stay positive, look for a new adage, or just modify your old one... Perhaps 'work hard, play harder, appreciate the simple things the hardest'. Stay enthusiastic, that will be worth more to your husband than any treatments or medicines.
    Cheers :)

  4. @Jonathan & @Kim - I am so thankful that you two are on my team. You both have such contagious positivity, I appreciate how much passion you put into your efforts. @Athena - thank you. It was wonderful meeting you, I look forward to getting to know you better in the future.
